Category Archives: Clothes

Hat and the suit

I couldn’t resist making a hat out of the last fabric scraps from my two piece suit project. I made a pattern out of paper.

When I had got the shape I wanted, I stabilised the fabric with “Guterman extra stable”. I have no idea if milliners do it this way. đŸ€Ș

Then I stitched the pieces of crown and the pieces of the brim together.

After handstitching the top to the crown, I hand stitched the brim in place. Then I added some trim that I found in my stash.

The hat turned out pretty much as I had hoped. Afterwards, I wonder, though, if I should have used stabiliser on both layers of the brim, as it quickly looses the rounded shape on the backside.

Today we went to the wonderful Astrid Lindgrens VÀrld, to take pictures in Törnrosdalen. We went there several hours before the first show, but there were already other visitors there, enjoying the beautiful scenography. As you might see, I am quite awkward when posing among people. Therefore there is no portrait with the hat.


Two Piece Suit

When I had finished my 11th century bliaut, there were pretty big scraps left of the fine woollen fabric.

This was years ago, and I have had so many different plans for the scraps. I have seen such pretty vests, sewn by other history bounding gurus, and now I wanted one for myself. I starred by draping a toille.

I used a checked fabric from the thrift store for flatlining.

Much was sew on machine, but most was actually hand stitched – as every fell stitched seam, hemline and button hole.

Luckily I had some wonderful tiny buttons saved from a beloved but demolished blouse, perfect for this project.

There was still some fabric left after finishing the vest, so I decided to use it for a skirt. The leftovers had such strange shapes that I wisely chose to cut out the same shapes from old bed sheets in order to find out what could be done from what I had at hand. After some days of pondering, a sleepless night gave me the courage to just cut the fabric on feeling, as I usually do with easy models. Without using the toille fabric … 😖 Suddenly the skirt was to short. At last I came up with a way of saving the skirt, using another scrap for the upper part. The tucking of the inserts took some time and it is not quite symmetrical, but it looks quite pretty. On this picture, though, it looks like a catastrophe, as I have obviously pulled the fabric unevenly on the mannequin. 😅

This is what it looks like together with the vest.


Silk blouse

I have longed for a fancy blouse, to combine with pants or skirts, using for modern wear or history bounding. At last I decided on a model. The silk fabric was bought several years ago, from a website, when I planned to use it for regency fallfront breaches, but was stoved away when I realised it was quite see-through 🙈.

Jag har lĂ€nge suktat efter en fin blus, som jag kan anvĂ€nda med byxor eller kjol, som modern eller history bounding. Till sist bestĂ€mde jag mig för en design. Jag skulle anvĂ€nda mig av sidentyget som jag köpt för mĂ„nga Ă„r sedan, för att sy empirbyxor, men fick lĂ€gga undan det nĂ€r jag insĂ„g att det var genomskinligt. 🙈

It was a pleasure making the mockup (unfortunately the pictures were lost with the passing of my phone). Then came the chock; the fabric was shorter and more narrow than I had remembered. I had to make some adjustments concerning the construction and design. Then I had to measure everything very carefully, before cutting the precious fabric. Sewing this slippery fabric was also a challenge, especially the button holes, but after fifteen test holes, I found a good technique. There was not enough fabric left for the cravat, so I used some cheap polyester lining fabric, which I dyed in tea.

Att göra toillen var ett rent nöje (tyvÀrrförsvannbilderna nÀr min mobil dog). Sedan kom kallduschen; tyget var kortare och smalare Àn jag mindes. Jag behövde justera bÄde konstruktion och design för att fÄ det att rÀcka. Sedan mÀtte jag noga innan jag vÄgade klippa tyget. Det var Àven en utmaning för mig att sy det hala tyget, sÀrskilt knapphÄlen. Efter femton testhÄl hade jag Àntligen hittat en bra teknik. Tyget rÀckte inte till kravatten, sÄ jag fick anvÀnda fodertyg i polyester och fÀrga i te.

I’m so happy with how it turned out. It is versatile, even though it wrinkles just by looking at it. I’m very relieved that I did not make pants out of this fabric. 😅


Tanzanian Robe Reconstructed

18 years ago, I found this robe at a Tanzanian market place. I loved the colours and the embroideries, but as the model was quite unflattering, I only used it once. The top consists of a complete circle, sewn together below the armpits. The skirt is a rectangular wrap skirt.

För 18 Är sedan hittade jag denna drÀkt pÄ en tanzaniansk maknad. Jag Àlskade fÀrgerna och broderierna, men insÄg att modellen var vÀldigt osmickrande (Ätminstone med vÄrat nuvarande kroppsideal), sÄ jag anvÀnde den bara en gÄng. Toppen bestÄr av en stor cirkel, hopsydd under armarna, och kjolen Àr en stor rektangel som knyts omlott med en snodd.

During this past year I have had it hanging on my mannequin, pulling the fabric a few inches backward and forward every now and then. By the start of my vacation, I was finally able to decide on a design, cutting the fabric and sewing it together.

Senaste Äret har drÀkten hÀngt pÄ min provdocka. Jag har dragit tyget nÄgra cm hit och dit dÄ och dÄ. I början av semestern bestÀmde jag mig Àntligen för design, klippte tyget och sydde klart.

I believe the embroideries are made by a machine program but managed by hand (?), as they vary all over. I rotated the top one quarter, as the embroideries looked the best there. With darts below and at the sides of the bust, the bodice recieved tighter fit. I put two seams in the neckline at the back, in order to make it narrower and make the bodice a tad shorter. When the bodice had the right shape, I cut the fabric, dividing the bodice from the arms, but keeping it intact above the armpits. Because of the bust darts, there is some bulk at the armpits, but I don’t think it’s too obvious. A zipper closes under the left arm.

Jag tror att boderierna har gjorts med brodermaskin, men matats fram för hand (?) eftersom broderierna varierar över hela plagget. Jag roterade toppen ett kvarts varv för att fÄ de finaste broderierna mitt fram. Med infodringar under och vid sidan om bysten blev lÏvet tight. Med ett par sömmar baktill i halslinningen blev den mindre urringad och toppen blev lite kortare. NÀr livet fÄtt rÀtt passform klippte jag upp sidorna och separerade livet frÄn Àrmarna. PÄ grund av infodringen vid bysten Àr det extra mycket tyg vid Àrmen, men jag tycker ÀndÄ att det ser ok ut.

The model of the skirt required wider fabric, but I managed to piece it together.

Kjolens modell krÀvde egentligen ett vidare tygstycke, men jag kunde lappa ihop den.

Today, by the end of the summer, we took pictures while little brother slept. I think it seems to belong here, at our 60s staircase.

Idag, i slutet av sommaren, tog vi bilder medan lillebror sov. Jag tycker att drÀkten ser ut att höra hemma hÀr, i vÄr 60-talstrappa.

TyvĂ€rr insĂ„g jag först efter att ha krupit runt pĂ„ golvet med toppen pĂ„ och fixat med mönster inför nĂ€sta projekt, att detta tyg blir skrynkligt bara man tittar pĂ„ det. 😅


CHILDREN’S shirts and a REPURPOSED dress

As this spring was hot, I decided to sew a cool shirt for our youngest, as a protection from the sun. I would finally use the pretty fabric that his brother chose when I was pregnant, two years ago. ❀ As I made this shirt, big brother asked if he could have one too, and if course I couldn’t resist.

Eftersom det var riktigt varmt redan under vĂ„ren sĂ„ ville jag sy en sval skjorta Ă„t minstingen, att anvĂ€nda som solskydd. Jag anvĂ€nde tyget som storebror valde medan lillebror lĂ„g i magen för tvĂ„ Ă„r sedan. ❀ NĂ€r storebror sĂ„g skjortan bad han om att fĂ„ en likadan och jag kunde naturligtvis inte neka honom detta.

Dear Bonna captured this lovely photo after the sunday service (as I wore another of my earlier creations). Thank you so much for the picture!

Fina Bonna fotograferade oss efter gudstjÀnsten (pÄ bilden bÀr jag en annan tidig kreation). Tack sÄ mycket för bilden, Bonna!

Here is a closer view of both shirts. HÀr kan man se skjortorna pÄ nÀrmare hÄll.

Tutorial for toddler’s shirt

About ten years ago I found a soft, lightweight bedsheet from the 70s, with a floral print that reminded me of a beautiful dress worn by Grace Kelly in Hitchcock’s Rear Window.

För ungefÀr tio Är sedan hittade jag ett underbart tunnslitet 70-talslakan med blomstermönster som pÄminde mig om Grace Kellys klÀnning i Hitchcocks Rear Window.

I made a more simple version, with a loose fit, tied with a bow at the waist.

Jag sydde en enklare variant, med luftig passform, sammanhÄllen med en rosett i midjan.

This dress was so incredibly comfy that I used a lot until it suddenly tore as I played with the kids the other day. I mourned it for a couple of hours until I found comfort in that it could be transformed into a shirt for the little one.

Denna klÀnning var sÄ otroligt skön att jag anvÀnde den vÀldigt mycket, tills den slutligen sprack medan jag lekte med barnen. Jag sörjde den under ett par timmar, tills jag insÄg att den kunde bli ytteligare en skjorta till minstingen.

I used the same pattern as for the first shirt, which was copied from his beloved strawberry shirt.

Jag anvÀnde samma mönster som till den första skjortan, vilket jag kopierade frÄn minstingens Àlskade jordgubbsskjorta.

After cutting the four pieces, sew elastic inside the hem of the arms, then pulled the fabric to the right fit before making the seam along the arm.

Efter att ha klippt ut de fyra delarna, sydde jag in ett elastiskt band i ÀrmfÄllen. Sedan drog jag Ät bander tills det var tillrÀckligt tight. DÀrefter sydde jag armlÀngden.

Then I moved on to the front opening of the shirt, before stiching the arms in place, binding the edges and making the bottom hem.

DÀrefter tog jag itu med öppningen i halsringningen och sedan sydde jag fast Àrmarna. Sist sydde jag kantband i halslinningen och fÄllade botten.

Today he tried it on and I believe he finds it just as comfy as I did my dress.

Idag testade han skjortan och jag tror faktiskt att han tycker att den Àr lika skön som jag upplevde klÀnningen.


Clothes for a night at the castle

This year all sewing has been about mending worn clothes. Not at all inspiring, though important from an economic and environmental perspective.

I Är har jag i princip bara lagat trasiga klÀdet. Inte ett dugg inspirerande, men Ätminstone bra för miljön och plÄnboken.

When I was asked to sew a pair of trousers and matching top for my mother to wear when visiting the Royal Castle (along with all other parliament members), I was excited. As you know, I usually prefer to drape my own pattern, but my mother already had a pattern that she wanted to use for the top and making trousers is really my weak spot. So we ordered a pattern for wide trouser and waited. And waited. For ever, it seemed. It finally arrived two weeks before the event. In that time I would have to produce a mockup and have at least two fittings, in spite of my client’s tight schedule and constant travels.

NĂ€r jag blev tillfrĂ„gad om jag var sugen pĂ„ att sy upp klĂ€der Ă„t mamma, som hon kunde ha nĂ€r hon skulle pĂ„ “divertissement” pĂ„ Kungliga Slottet (ihop med resten av riksdagsledamöterna), tackade jag naturligtvis ivrigt ja. Ni som följt mig vet att jag vanligtvis draperar fram ett eget mönster, men mamma hade redan ett mönster till ett önskat linne och ville ha matchande vida byxor. Eftersom byxor Ă€r min achilleshĂ€l sĂ„ bestĂ€llde vi Ă€ven mönster till dessa. Vi vĂ€ntade och vĂ€ntade i en evighet (eller kanske snarare tvĂ„ veckor). NĂ€r mönstret kom tvĂ„ veckor innan evenemanget skulle vi hinna med en toille och Ă„tminstone tvĂ„ provningar, trots min klients pressed scheme och stĂ€nfiga resande.

Mockup hanging over the chair. Fashion fabric laying on the table

The mockups were perfect, but the fashion fabric, a polyester duchesses did not behave as I wanted it to. In spite of every possible precaution, the pieces took different shapes between every fitting. Therefore I basted and hand stitched the linings and hems. I was quite desperate when the seams of the trousers made bubbles. I pressed and steamed so many times, and even top stitched the seams in order to force them into a flatter state.

Toillerna satt perfekt, men modetyget (polyester duchesse) betedde sig inte som jag ville. Vanligtvis nÄlar jag och syr direkt efter provning. Den hÀr gÄngen tog jag mig tid att testa olika sömmar, trÄckla och stryka mellan varje moment. Trots det Àndrade plaggen passform mellan varje provning. NÀr byxsömmarna dessutom blev bubbliga kÀnde jag mig mer och mer uppgiven. Jag strök och Ängade sömmarna flera gÄnger om och sydde slutligen en söm över sömsmÄnen för att tvinga tyget till att ligga mer slÀtt.

My dear mother is so supportive. She never showed any doubt and then she wore the clothes with pride. She recieved many compliments during the evening. I am so glad. It feels so good to for have given something to this dear mecenat of mine, that she has really appreciated.

Min fina mamma Àr sÄ stöttande. Hon visade aldrig tendens till att tvivla pÄ att projektet skulle lyckas och sedan bar hon klÀderna med stolthet. Hon fick mÄnga komplimanger under kvÀllen. Jag Àr sÄ glad. Det kÀnns sÄ bra att ha fÄtt ge min kÀra mecenat nÄgot som hon verkligen uppskattat.

The beautiful woman, wearing the trousers, top and a Chinese jacket.

Art for Ukraine

One month has passed since Russia started the horrible war against Ukraine, seemingly aiming at obliterating the whole country with its citizens. Karin Faaij Hultgren, has started an admirable project, where people auction out their art pieces in the Facebook group Konstauktioner för Ukraina and the money goes to UNHCR’s work in Ukraine. At the moment I believe this has generated more than 100.000 Swedish kronor to the help organisation.

I had an UFO (unfinished object) in my art stash, which I dedicated to this project. I completed the regency family portrait, improving the shadows and adding some typical furniture. Now I hope someone will like it as much as I do, so it brings in some more money to the suffering people of Ukraine. You may place your bid on it here.

Nu har det gÄtt en mÄnad sedan Ryssland invaderade Ukraina och de tycks ha som mÄl att totalt tillintetgöra hela landet med dess invÄnare. Karin Faaij Hultgren har startat ett beundransvÀrt projekt, dÀr folk fÄr skÀnka sin konst, som sedan auktioneras ut och pengarna gÄr oavkortat till UNHCR och Röda korsets arbete i Ukraina. För tillfÀllet tror jag att detta projekt har inbringat över 100 000 kronor till hjÀlporganisationerna.

Jag hade ett UFO (unfinished objects) liggande bland mina konstgrejer och detta ville jag nu dedikera till konstauktionen. Jag fullbordade portrÀttet av empirfamiljen genom att förbÀttra skuggor och lÀgga till lite tidstypisk inredning. Nu hoppas jag att nÄgon kommer att tycka lika mycket om bilden som jag gör, sÄ att det drar in lite mer pengar till den lidande ukrainska befolkningen. Du kan lÀgga ditt bud hÀr.

We have a constantly drooling baby, who also has a growing appetite for colourful food. Thus, the clothes are always either wet of drool or stained by food and accordingly every minute of my spare time has been dedicated to the production of “drool napkins”(?!). They are made of worn out clothes. Only the push buttons are new. These are the latest napkins.

VÄr bebis dreglar konstant och har ocksÄ en vÀxande aptit för fÀrgglad mat. DÀrför Àr klÀderna alltid antingen blöta eller missfÀrgade av mat och dÀrmed har alla lugna stunder gÄtt Ät till att sy nya dregellappar. Jag anvÀnder utslitna klÀder. Endast tryckknapparna Àr nya. HÀr Àr de senaste alstren.


Floral Dress for Breastfeeding

During my pregnancy I got more and more frustrated for not being able to sew anything for my rapidly changing body. I fell in love with the costumes of Queen’s Gambit and decided to make a dress with a waist, for my post pregnancy body. As I knew from before that the breastfeeding body can also change from week to week, I decided to try smocking. I made a few changes on the same pattern that I developed for my friend and my cocktail nursing dress. I had a pair of curtains with pretty floral print in my stash, that would be long enough, had I only cut it right! 😭 My pregnant, sleep deprived brain was not up for neither math, nor cutting. I had to rethink the model for the fabric to suffice (less fabric in the skirt, with more shallow pleats and only smocking on the top of the back, instead of the whole back) and I had to use bits with old seams visible. I guessed at what my measurements would be and sewed the dress without any other fitting than using my mannequin. Scary! You might imagine my surprise when I tried it on and it actually fit.

Under graviditeten blev jag allt mer frustrerad, dĂ„ jag inte kunde sy nĂ„got Ă„t min hastigt förĂ€ndrande kropp. Jag blev helt betagen av drĂ€kterna i Queen’s Gambit och bestĂ€mde mig för att sy en klĂ€nning med midja, tillĂ€gnad min kropp efter förlossningen. Eftersom jag visste att Ă€ven ammande kroppar kan förĂ€ndras frĂ„n vecka till vecka, tĂ€nkte jag testa smock. Jag gjorde nĂ„gra Ă€ndringar av det mönster som jag ritade till min vĂ€ns klĂ€nning och min festliga amningsklĂ€nning. Jag hade ett par gamla gardiner med trevligt blommönster och det skulle ha rĂ€ckt om jag bara hade klippt ut rĂ€tt… Min gravida, sömnlösa hjĂ€rna var inte i form för att vare sig rĂ€kna eller klippa. Jag var tvungen att tĂ€nka om med modellen för att fĂ„ tyget att rĂ€cka (mindre tyg i kjolen och dess veck och endast smock i övre delen av ryggen istĂ€llet för hela ryggen) och jag var tvungen att anvĂ€nda tygstycken dĂ€r de gamla sömmarna syntes. Jag gissade vad jag skulle fĂ„ för mĂ„tt och sydde utan annan provning Ă€n pĂ„ min provdocka. LĂ€skigt! Du kan förestĂ€lla dig hur förvĂ„nad jag blev nĂ€r jag testade klĂ€nningen och den faktiskt passade.


This was what the pattern looked like in the end.
SÄ hÀr sÄg det slutgiltiga mönstret ut.
Piping around the edges of the bodice.
Passpoal kring livets kanter.
Smocking of the upper part of the back.
Smock av ryggens övre tygstycke.
Putting the lower front parts together with an invisible zipper and facing at the top edge.
Livets nedre del fogas samman, med dold dragkedja och förstÀrkande tygbit upptill (facing?).
Each part of the bodice put together.
Livets alla delar har sammanfogats.
Making the skirt with pockets and (unevenly distributed) pleats.
Kjolens fyra vĂ„der sys samman, fickor sĂ€tts in och vĂ€ck lĂ€ggs inte sĂ€rskilt snyggt…
Making a pattern and the final sleeves.
Mönster till Àrmarna.
The final dress with push buttons and hidden zipper. It has many faults – it wrinkles really easily, the opening for breastfeeding is slightly wrong placed and there are some issues with the arms – but it is very practical and will serve me well, I think.

Den fĂ€rdiga klĂ€nningen, med tryckknappar och dold dragkedja. Den har mĂ„nga fel och brister – den blir skrynklig vid blotta anblicken, amningsöppningen Ă€r lite felplacerad och dĂ€rmed lite svĂ„ranvĂ€nd och Ă€rmarna Ă€r inte perfekta – men jag tror att jag fĂ„ mycket anvĂ€ndning av den.

These photos were shot in panic after ironing the dress while preparing lunch, putting on makeup while playing, tidying up the particular spots that would be visible (in fact, I am surrounded by seas of toys and mountains of pillows), while hearing the baby starting to signal that he very much wants to test the purpose of the dress.

Dessa foton togs i panik efter att jag strukit klÀnningen medan jag lagade mat, stÀdat de stÀllen som skulle synas i bild (i sjÀlva verket omges jag av kuddberg och hav av leksaker), alltmedan bebisen började signalera att han ville testa om klÀnningen verkligen fyllde sin funktion).


Identical Medievalish Kirtles

Two years have passed since we last visited the Medieval Week of Visby and we have missed it much. Last week, our neighbour town hosted an event called “The Happy Middle Ages”. As our son suddenly has grown a strong interest for both fairytales and magic, this event felt as if it had been created for him. His older cousins were interested as well. The two teenage girls could borrow my dresses (that don’t fit my 9 month pregnant body very well at the moment), but both of the boys needed new kirtles and my husband’s 12th century kirtle needed some adjustments. I had leftovers from that same woolen fabric and as my boy only would agree to wear an identical garment as his idol cousin, I spent the week sewing two identical kirtles. My boy also made it clear that he would only accept the kirtle if they would suit his new fairytale heroes, Ronja and Birk, so he chose folklore clasps from his pirate treasure (originally rescued from an old cardigan). Thanks to the well known pattern with rectangles and triangles, the last garment was finnished the night before the event. Unfortunately, I must have counted wrong when creating the pattern for the older boy, so that his kirtle was a tad too tight under the arms.

The basic rectangle, with opening for a triangular gore mid front and back (and in the sides).
The finished bigger kirtle, with cardigan clasps.
Very content with his “Ronja outfit”, worn together with monster slippers

I was sorry to have to stay at home, but my dear husband sent many wonderful pictures from the event, which seemed to have met every expectation. There was magic, juggling with fire, combat, wonderful company and hotdogs. Our boy has talked much about it afterwards and I do believe that even his older cousins appreciated it.

Det har gĂ„tt tvĂ„ Ă„r sedan vi besökte Medeltidsveckan senast och vi har saknat det mycket. Förra veckan hölls en medeltidsdag i VĂ€stervik, “Den glada medeltiden”. Eftersom vĂ„r son nyligen utvecklat ett starkt intresse för bĂ„de sagor och trollerier, kĂ€ndes det som om detta evenemang hade skapats för honom. Hans Ă€ldre kusiner var ocksĂ„ intresserade. TonĂ„rstjejerna kunde lĂ„na mina klĂ€nningar (som inte passar min nuvarande 9-mĂ„naders-graviditetskropp sĂ€rskilt bra), men bĂ„da pojkarna behövde nya kjortlar och min mans 1100-talskjortel krĂ€vde nĂ„gra justeringar. Jag hade kvar lite av samma blĂ„ ylletyg och eftersom min son bara gick med pĂ„ att ha pĂ„ sig en identisk drĂ€kt som sin kusin och idol, spenderade jag veckan med att sy och justera tre drĂ€kter i samma tyg. Sonen hade Ă€ven klargjort att han bara skulle anvĂ€nda drĂ€kten om den liknade nĂ„got som Ronja eller Birk kunde ha haft, sĂ„ han fick vĂ€lja folklore-spĂ€nnen frĂ„n sitt piratskrin, som vi fyllt med knappar frĂ„n en gammal koftor. Tack vare det vĂ€lbekanta mönstret med rektanglar och trianglar sĂ„ lyckades jag göra klart den sista drĂ€kten kvĂ€llen innan evenemanget. TyvĂ€rr mĂ„ste jag ha rĂ€knat fel nĂ€r jag gjorde kusinens mönster, sĂ„ det var rĂ€tt trĂ„ngt under armarna.

A fairytale creature climbing the cliffs.

Det tog emot att stanna hemma, men min kÀre man skickade flera underbara bilder frÄn evenemanget, som verkade uppfylla alla förvÀntningar. Det bjöds pÄ trolleri, eldshow, medeltida krigskonst, ypperligt sÀllskap och varmkorv. VÄr son har pratat sÄ mycket om det efterÄt och jag tror att Àven kusinerna uppskattade det.

Together with the magician Arkadia
The last freezing picture from the event. I think they look pretty amazing. 😍

Earlier this summer, I also made this kirtle for another cousine, who felt like a princess in hee new dress. Perhaps even that family might be converted eventually.

Tidigare i somras sydde jag Àven denna kjortel Ät en annan av kusinerna, som kÀnde sig som en prinsessa i sin nya klÀnning. Kanske kommer Àven den familjen omvÀndas sÄ smÄningom.


Boy’s T-shirts

We went to a fabric shop, Jofotex tyger, on one of our few trips this summer. I was hoping to secure some fabric for myself, but my boy fell in love with some fabrics and suddenly there was neither time, nor budget for me to buy anything for myself. As for the shirts, I simply drew a new pattern from the outer lines of one of his existing T-shirts. This time I actually read the manual for my sewing machine and used the right seams for the jersey fabrics. I had also ordered special fabric for neck and wrists from tygdrö My boy got these T-shirts for birthday present and was really pleased, especially with the one with Paw Patrol motif.

PÄ en av vÄra fÄ dagsutflykter denna Covid-sommar, besökte vi Jofotex tyger. Jag hoppades pÄ att hitta lite tyger till mig sjÀlv, men sonen blev sjÀlv förÀlskad i nÄgra tyger och plötsligt rÀckte varken tiden eller budgeten till för inköp till mig sjÀlv.

Som med skjortorna, anvÀnde jag mig av en existerande T-shirt för att göra ett nytt mönster. Denna gÄng lÀste jag faktiskt symaskinens instruktionsbok och anvÀnde rÀtt slags sömmar för trikÄtygerna. Jag hade ocksÄ bestÀllt muddtyg frÄn tygdrö Sonen fick T-shirtarna i födelsedagspresent och blev vÀldigt glad, sÀrskilt för den med motiv frÄn Paw Patrol.
