There is seldom time for sewing since we moved to our house. We are so lucky to have a helping family and to know craftsmen, so that all organic material is removed from the cellar, the electicity, plumbing, draining around the house, topographic changes in the garden and the new floor in our washing room is already finished after only four months! The projects in waiting are quite pressing though… I’m proud of having put back the pavingstones, but the ground needs preparation for grass and flowers, and the cellar is still kind of dangerous.
By Christmas, I laid my hands on a pair of pretty curtains with an extreme amount of fluonces at the second hand shop. 30 SEK. What a find! My husband was horrified, thinking that I intended them for the room of our son. ?

Last week, the stormy weather at last gave me an excuse for not working in the garden, but delving into a nice little sewing project. I made a really simple and usable dress out of the curtains. My husband was relieved.
I did everything just I use to: I draped the fabric on my mannequin, pinning it so that the grain lines would be straight and putting darts in front and at the bust. Then I stitched it together, leaving one side seem open for a zipper. There was enough fabric for a halfcirkle skirt. I put pockets in the side seams. This time I carefully ironed the hemline as I folded it twice. The bodice was attached to the skirt and the zipper was inserted. Then I finished the neckline and arms.
The dress was finished yesterday and today it had its premier. I was too tired and my dear photographer was too eager to go fishing, so there was no photo shoot today, even though the weather is lovely and the woods are full of anemones.

The Photoshoot(s)
Såå fina bilder det blev. Jag är imponerad av din kreativitet. Kram!
Tack så mycket, Birgitta! ?
Hej! Har precis hittat din blogg och är helt såld (50-tals klänningen från 2014 :o)
Har köpt några second hand lakan som är helt fantastiska och vill göra något liknande. Letar efter mönster och din sida är till stor hjälp! Tack 🙂
Åh, vad glad jag är för att du haft glädje av min blogg! Visa gärna resultatet när klänningen/klänningarna är klara!